Motorsport Quartets (No, Really)

If you were online at the right time a little while ago, you might have seen me post a tweet about a game of VLN quartets that I bought during a VLN-weekend at the Nürburgring. I was a bit disappointed about the buy, because when I got home it turned out that the box didn’t contain a quartets-game. It contained a top trumps-game. Apparently in the German language both have the same name and you’re supposed to tell by the description of the game rules with which game you’re actually dealing. Who knew!

Even though top trumps is pretty fun too (and I definitely recommend VLN top trumps; go buy your own pack if you ever get the chance!), I felt it was a shame that there was no such thing as VLN quartets. Or even motorsport quartets. As a joke, I posted on twitter that I might develop my own set of motorsport quartets-cards. Responses to the tweet were surprisingly positive and some of my friends even started pitching ideas to me. It became clear to me that this could be one of those crazy ideas that was worth pursuing for real. So I did.

It has taken me a while to get the job done, because I have a busy job and the little free time I have I often spend on race tracks. But after a month of using some bits and bobs of free time here and there, I can now finally present to you all: Girl Talks Racing’s Motorsport Quartets Game! I should warn you in advance, thoughr. The quartet themes may be a bit bonkers. Oh, and I made all the cards pink. I couldn’t let that opportunity pass me by. Obviously.

In an attempt to make the game a little more diverse, I tried to make sure that no team or driver appears in the game more than once. It meant that I sometimes had to make tough decisions. I would’ve loved to put Michela Cerruti in the quartet ‘Girl Power’, but since she and her lovely F3 car from way back when were already in the quartet ‘Best Race Cars Ever’ I wasn’t allowed to do it. *cue sad face* But after a lot of swearing and puzzling, in the end I managed to shove all my quartet nominees around in such a way that only two of them appear more than once. I unfortunately couldn’t get around putting Laurens Vanthoor in both ‘Bromance’ and ‘No Hair Anywhere’; and I couldn’t avoid putting Alex Toril in both ‘Flying High’ and ‘Spaniards Who Speak German’ either.

Apart from that, I think the game turned out to be quite varied. It includes references to, amongst others: formula 1, GP2, GP3, VLN, Blancpain GT (multiple series), WEC, GT Masters, formula 3, formula 4, 24-hour endurance racing, and some other things. If you want your own copy of the game, you can download it at the link below. The file includes a description of the rules too, so all you have to do is print the cards, cut them out, and start playing. Have fun!

Download Girl Talks Racing’s Quartets Game here: download link.